New Mexico’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Program

The New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau's Young Farmers & Ranchers program includes both men and women between the ages of 18 & 35. The objective of the YF&R program is to provide training to young people for leading roles in agriculture, to foster young farmers and ranchers through our industry and to help build a more effective Farm Bureau to preserve our individual freedoms and expand our opportunities in agriculture.

The Young Farmers and Ranchers program offers opportunities in:

·     Leader Development and Educational Conferences

·     Legislative Awareness

·     Networking with other farmers & ranchers across the country

·     Involvement in the whole Farm Bureau Program


YF&R’s mission is to attract and empower future Farm Bureau and community leaders and increase the interest in agriculture as a way of life. Our committee is designed to facilitate professional development and social networking opportunities among young farmers, ranchers, and people who work in agriculture related jobs.


Collegiate & FFA Discussion Meet – Each year at the NMF&LB Annual Meeting the YF&R program hosts a discussion meet for the FFA and Collegiate Farm Bureau Programs. The contest is just like the YF&R Discussion Meet (See “Discussion Meet” below), but with shorter times. Competitors win cash prizes, and the winner of the Collegiate Discussion Meet has the opportunity to compete at the national level. 

Legislative Program – Members of the Young Farmers & Ranchers program become involved in the legislative process by making personal contacts with legislators, representing NMF&LB at AgFest and the Legislative Roundhouse Feed, and hosting Ag Tours for legislators at different times and locations during the year.

AFBF FUSION Conference – Held every other year, the FUSION Conference brings together volunteer leaders from the Promotion & Education, Women’s Leadership, and Young Farmers & Ranchers programs. The conference features great guest speakers, breakout sessions, and evening events that provide value for people of all ages with a variety of different activities including local tours, Collegiate Discussion Meet, hands-on learning sessions, evening entertainment, and more! You’ll leave the conference with new friends, new ideas, and new energy for your farm/ranch and Farm Bureau. 

YF&R Leadership Conference – The Leadership Conference focuses specifically on the Young Farmers and Ranchers of Farm Bureau, and features guest speakers, breakout sessions, and evening events that cater to this group. The Leadership Conference is a fantastic networking opportunity, as there are YF&R Members from across the nation who attend this conference. This conference also features the Collegiate Discussion Meet, local tours, learning sessions, and more!                                                                                                                      

YF&R Competitive Events:

Achievement Award – Recognizes Young Farmers & Ranchers who have excelled in their farm or ranch and have honed their leadership abilities. Participants are involved in production agriculture with a majority of their income subject to normal production risks. Judges evaluate competitors’ excellence in management, growth, and scope of their enterprise, and the self-initiative that has been displayed throughout the farm or ranch.

Excellence in Agriculture Award – Spotlights YF&R members who are agricultural enthusiasts but have not earned a majority of their income from an owned production agriculture enterprise in the past three years. Competitors are evaluated on their understanding of agricultural issues, leadership experiences and achievement, and their ability to communicate their agricultural story.

Discussion Meet – The American Farm Bureau Federation Discussion Meet simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic. Participants build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues, and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach a consensus and solve problems.

Check us out on Social Media!


Instagram: @NewMexicoYFR

YF&R Committee

President: Joel Ferguson

1st Vice President: Kylie Armstrong

2 nd Vice/Secretary: Macey McDonald                                                                                            

Treasurer: Joram Robbs

District 1 (Colfax, Union, Mora/San Miguel, Harding & Guadalupe Counties): Annalisa Miller

District 2 (Quay, De Baca, Roosevelt & Curry Counties): Skyler Davis

District 3 (Lincoln, Chaves, Lea, Otero & Eddy Counties): Rebecca Healy                                 

District 4 (Hidalgo, Grant, Sierra, Luna & Doña Ana Counties): Cole and Jamie Viramontes  

District 5 North (San Juan, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe & Taos Counties): Vacant

District 5 South (Cibola/McKinley, Bernalillo, Valencia, Torrance, Catron & Socorro Counties): Vacant                                                                                                                                                 



Logan Stoltz

NMF&LB’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Program

2220 N. Telshor Blvd.

Las Cruces, NM 88011