Mission Statement

To promote and assist New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau by involving women through the development of their leadership skills, agricultural education and other Farm Bureau concerns.

The Women's Leadership Committee plays a vital role in the development of policies and programs and is active in all areas of the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau.


The purpose of the Women's Leadership Committee is to assist in carrying forward the programs of the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau - to promote, protect, and represent the business, economic, social and educational interests of farm and ranch families in New Mexico. In addition, the Women's Leadership Committee provides an opportunity for women to become actively involved and to assume leadership roles in the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau and the American Farm Bureau.

The Women's Leadership Committee promotes programs unique to their group. Their activities expand the role of New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau beyond the traditional boundaries.

Farm Bureau® Women's Activities

Food Checkout Day: The Women's Leadership Committee recognizes that it takes the average American only 40 days to earn enough disposable income to pay for a yearly supply of food. Every year they commemorate the day by making contributions to the Ronald McDonald House, food shelters, pantries, and other such charitable organizations.

Ag in the Classroom: The Women's Leadership Committee supports and promotes programs and activities sponsored by the New Mexico Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom. They assist by encouraging teachers to adopt an agriculture classroom program through activities and materials provided by Ag in the Classroom. Agricultural resources are provided to teachers and students, and classroom presentation.

Legislative Program: The Women's Leadership Committee becomes involved in letter writing, making personal contacts with legislators, and representing New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau at AgFest and at the Legislative Roundhouse feed.

Training: The Women's Leadership Committee promotes New Mexico agriculture through training sessions at our summer and annual conferences, and through the NM Women in Ag Leadership Conference.


State Chair: Connie Rooks, csrooks@yahoo.com

1st Vice Chair: Carlina Harris

2nd Vice Chair/Secretary: Sue Deerman

Treasurer: Cheryl Hartman

District 1(Colfax, Union, Mora, Harding, San Miguel, Guadalupe counties): Myah Crisp

District 2 (Quay, Curry, Roosevelt, DeBaca counties): Wayne Overton

District 3 (Lea, Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln, Otero counties): Earlene Ellett

District 4 (Doña Ana, Luna, Hidalgo, Grant, and Sierra): Brandy Johnson

District 5 (Torrance, Bernalillo, Valencia, McKinley, Santa Fe, Taos, Rio Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval, Socorro, Catron, Los Alamos, Cibola counties): Julie Kay Romero