Volunteer of the Year

 Steve Myrick
2021 Volunteer of the Year


Volunteers are a vital part of agricultural advocacy.  They develop relationships with policy makers, conduct hands-on ag opportunities and help spread the good word about our industry. We are a grassroots, volunteer organization and are grateful for those who dedicate their time and effort towards our growth and the success of the agricultural community.  Through our Volunteer of the Year award, we pay tribute to the tireless work of NMF&LB volunteers.

Click here to complete the nomination form.

Farm Family of the Year

Earl and Coleen Greer
2021 Farm Family of the Year


New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau, at its foundation, is about families.  Families who have made this organization great through their time and dedication.  Families who have passed down farms and ranches over generations.  Families who have been careful stewards of animals and land to ensure a successful future for agriculture in New Mexico.  Every year since 1965 NMF&LB has honored a Farm Family of the Year.  Here is your opportunity to recognize a deserving family by completing the Farm Family of the Year nomination form. 

Click here to complete the nomination form.